Posts Tagged ‘apa writing tips’

APA Top Margin

APA Style margins are 1″ all the way around. Students often ask about the top margin, why isn’t the running head one inch from the edge of the paper? The APA manual never describes where the running head, which is a document header, should be placed in relation to the top margin so it is no wonder that people ask this question.

A header, by definition, is inside of the margin. The body of the paper starts one inch down from the top edge of the document but the APA running head is inside of that space between the body of the APA Style document and the top edge of the document.

The APA Style running head is inside of the top margin

Top APA Margin with Running Head inside of Margin


For further reading see:


For more information about MLA or APA writing templates, contact us by email

Cite a sound recording in APA style

The worldΓÇÖs largest natural sound archive is now fully digital and fully online. Example:

Citing a sound recording in APA style is easy with Reference Point Software. Just click on the APA tab and click Audio Podcast.

Cite a sound recording in APA style

Cite a sound recording in APA Style (Click image to view larger)


For more information about MLA or APA writing templates, contact us by email

Best APA style software and APA help

I LOVE the software! It saved me hours and hours of work, not to mention the hassle and frustration. I would never have imagined an APA paper being so easy to write and format!!! I’ve recommended it to all my classmates. Well done! Thank you so much for creating it and sharing it with us all!
Tracey S., Northern Arizona University

Hey guys….
I purchased your software as an attempt to get some help navigating the APA formats this morning. I was BLOWN away at how easy it was to use, and the results were amazing!

Ty Permenter, University of Texas

With just a few clicks of the mouse, your document will have the proper margins, with the header and page numbers at exactly the right place for any APA format style paper. Even references and citations are a breeze. Simply type in the information, and the software will format it perfectly.

To learn more scroll down to see the list of features or:

You need to use APA format templates that allow you to concentrate on the content of your paper so that you can learn about the topic rather than word processing commands and our software does just that. Save time and work smarter with our Reference Point Software. Our templates are available in APA style for use with Microsoft Word, Microsoft Office 365, OpenOffice, LibreOffice and NeoOffice on any version of Windows or OS X.

These templates are based on the 6th Edition of the APA Publication Manual and include support for APA format style guidelines for electronic resources and references.

Get the APA style points you deserve with Reference Point Software templates. Order now!

(Mobile users, please use the menu on the upper right of your screen to order.)

What Does the APA version of our Format Template Do?

  • Sets up a new document in APA 6th edition format, within which you can start typing your paper
  • Automatically formats the reference list and makes inserting citations a breeze
  • Easily reuse references in multiple documents with the built-in database
  • Creates the header with page numbers and running head
  • Sets up the proper margins, line spacing, and other vital details
  • Creates a title page
  • Creates an abstract page, a place for the body of the paper, and reference page
  • Easily add properly formatted headings and subheadings
  • Formats each reference with commas, parentheses, italics, and indents in exactly the right spots
  • Makes it seamless to cite a reference in the body of the paper, even when citing multiple sources at once
  • Creates complex page numbering (MS Word only)
  • Provides sample tables that you can modify for your own needs (MS Word for Windows only)
  • Provides an APA format template to easily create an outline (MS Word only)
  • With Reference Point templates, your citation info travels with your document. If you work on more than one computer, you only need to copy one file to the other computer ΓÇô your APA document!
  • You have complete control over where the reference database is stored. This makes it easy to sync multiple computers with Dropbox or other file-syncing services.
  • Quickly and efficiently backs up your document automatically and on-demand (MS Word for Windows only)
  • Compatible with Win XP, Vista, Win 7, Win 8, and OS X (see order page for specifics)

Need an APA Format Template? We support both Windows & Mac

If you have any questions about APA Format Styles or our software, Reference Point Software is here to help you.

Learn more about the different versions of our templates

Our Word menu to help you format apa style

Our Word menu to help you format APA style


For more information about MLA or APA writing templates, contact us by email.

Citing an Executive Order in APA Style

Citing an executive order in APA Style is easy using Reference Point Software, however, collecting the information you need for the citation can be challenging. This article will describe how to find the information you need to cite an executive order.

Start with the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR). Suppose you want to cite executive order number 13649 “Accelerating Improvements in HIV Prevention and Care.” Visit the U.S. Government Publishing OfficeΓÇÖs online CFR which you can find here:

Select the correct year to get a list of executive orders. For this example, the year is 2014 is selected.

Searching the Code of Federal Regulations

Searching the Code of Federal Regulations

Use your browserΓÇÖs Find feature (usually accessed by hitting Ctrl-F) and search for HIV.

Executive order found in CFR

Executive order found in CFR

Open the PDF. Make note of the name of the executive order, the order number, the year, and the page number. In the below example ΓÇ£317ΓÇ¥ is the page number. ΓÇ£13649ΓÇ¥ is the executive order number.

Find the items to cite for an executive order

Executive order displayed in the CFR

If the executive order is documented in the United States Code (U.S.C.) then you should include volume, section, page, and year from the U.S.C. In this example “300cc-1” is the section, 78 is the volume, and 43057 is the page.

Executive order in the U.S.C

Executive order in the U.S.C

The last step is to enter the information into Reference Point Software’s data entry screen for executive orders. You will then get a perfectly formatted APA Style reference. To enter a reference to an executive order click on the APA tab, click More, click Executive Order.


For more information about MLA or APA writing templates, contact us by email

14 Ways APA Formatting Software Can Save You Time on Your College Papers

Writing papers is a significant part of your college experience. You will be expected to structure your papers and cite your references using professional academic formats. One of the most frequently used styles is the APA (American Psychological Association) format. This style is primarily applied to papers written in the field of social sciences, but you may well be expected to use it for other subjects, too. If you have to author papers in the APA format, here is a quick list of 14 specific reasons why APA formatting software is easy to use and will save you time and points on your paper.

  1. Automatically creates a fresh APA formatted document
  2. Provides a template to create outlines (MS Word only)
  3. Generates properly formatted abstract, title and reference page, and body of the paper, too
  4. Creates the proper margins and line spacing
  5. Includes headers with page numbering
  6. Inserts complex page numbering seamlessly (MS Word only)
  7. Adds properly formatted headings
  8. Automatically formats the reference list
  9. Allows you to include the same references in multiple documents from the built-in database
  10. Formats indentation and punctuation for all references accurately
  11. Provides sample tables that you can modify and insert easily (MS Word only)
  12. Seamlessly adds citations in the body of the paper
  13. Allows you to access your work from more than one computer
  14. Gives you the option to sync your reference database with multiple computers

If you have written any papers in the APA format, you know there are multiple guidelines that you need to apply. Look at the list above and think of the amount of time you spend per paper managing these manually. WouldnΓÇÖt writing a paper be so much easier if you knew it was formatted properly from the start? Using formatting software means that you can focus on typing in content, and the software will take care of all formatting concerns. Think of how much time you could save if you didnΓÇÖt have to go back to review and apply the latest guidelines of the APA format.

As you write content in your paper, you can add it, knowing that the software will apply the APA format throughout. In the academic world, itΓÇÖs extremely important to cite all of your references fully in your papers. APA formatting software automatically formats the reference list and makes inserting citations simple. All you have to do is type them in once, and they will be correctly listed. And when you write multiple papers in the same course, you will likely include the same references in more than one paper. The software makes it easy to reuse references in multiple documents with its built-in database.

You wonΓÇÖt have to think about applying the correct punctuation and spacing in your citations as that is all done for you, too. Each reference is automatically applied with commas, parentheses, italics, and indents in exactly the right spots.

How often do you write papers from home and at college? With APA formatting software, all your citation information travels with your document. This means that you only need to copy your APA document to the other computer. If you want to use file synching applications, you can have complete control over where the reference database is stored. You can sync multiple computers with Dropbox or other file-syncing services, giving you even more flexibility to work in different places.

When you have deadlines approaching for your college papers, donΓÇÖt you want more time to focus on research and writing? APA formatting software takes on the burden of formatting your papers accurately, so you donΓÇÖt have to. ItΓÇÖs compatible with various operating systems, including Win XP, Vista, Win 7 and OS X and it integrates with Microsoft Word, OpenOffice, LibreOffice, and NeoOffice, making it easy to use.

David Plaut is the founder of Reference Point Software (RPS). RPS offers a complete suite of easy-to-use formatting template products featuring MLA and APA style templates, freeing up time to focus on substance while ensuring formatting accuracy. 

Reference Point Software is not associated with, endorsed by, or affiliated with the American Psychological Association (APA) or with the Modern Language Association (MLA).


For more information about MLA or APA writing software, contact us by email

Why APA Formatted Papers Have Different Levels of Headings and Subheadings

The proper usage of headings and subheadings in APA Formatted Papers can seem mysterious to most college writers. What headings are necessary? When should you use subheadings? How do you properly format them so you donΓÇÖt lose points on your paper?

In simplistic terms, think of your headings and subheadings as a visual roadmap helping you to organize your paper for your readers while giving them a succinct understanding of what information you will be sharing in each section. Your professor will inform you which of these categories you need to include in your paper.

  • Title Page
  • Abstract
  • Introduction
  • Method
  • Results
  • Discussion
  • References and Appendices

The Title Page of an APA formatted paper is normally considered the first page. The title of your paper does not count as a level. The second page of an APA paper will be the one to contain the “Abstract.” Since the Abstract is a summary, you should limit it to just one paragraph of about 150 to 250 words without any subheadings, whereas other sections of your paper will require them.

You can create up to five levels of headings and subheadings. Many APA Formatted Papers contain only one or two levels, while other more in-depth papers will need all five. The APA style will require you to format these in a specific way to clearly illustrate their increasing levels of specificity for your readers.

Here are some general rules for creating effecting headings and subheadings.

Keep your headings short. Most are one to five words that provide a strong indication of the information in the section. Only use a heading if you have more than one heading for the level. Think of it this way, you wouldnΓÇÖt create a bulleted list of one item. The same holds true for headers in your APA Formatted Papers.

Subheadings are often a little longer than headings because they are more descriptive and expand upon the heading. Think of your subheadings as a reference for readers to skim through your papers to get a quick understanding of what information you will be sharing with them and how you will transition from your Abstract through to your Conclusion. If you are including a subheading to a section, APA formatted papers require you to have two subheadings on the same level.

Some other general tips for you to consider are, donΓÇÖt overdo the use of headings and subheadings. Not every paragraph needs them. They are intended to enhance the content in your paper, not detract from it. It is often best to write the content of your paper first, and then add in concise headings and subheadings where appropriate.

Before you get started with the formatting of your paper, you will need to research the latest APA style revision to make sure you donΓÇÖt lose points for formatting errors. If you prefer to focus your time wisely on the quality of your content and not the formatting parameters, you’ll be happy to know there are many resources available. Formatting software is one reliable, helpful tool to consider for saving time while taking the guesswork out of formatting your APA style papers.


For more information about APA writing software or how to download our APA Style Software, contact us today!


David Plaut is the founder of Reference Point Software (RPS). RPS offers a complete suite of easy-to-use formatting template products featuring MLA and APA style templates, freeing up time to focus on substance while ensuring formatting accuracy. For more information, log onto or write to:
info @

Reference Point Software is not associated with, endorsed by, or affiliated with the American Psychological Association (APA) or with the Modern Language Association (MLA).